Rulbus Specification

  • Rulbus 50 pin header definition
  • Rulbus timing
  • Rulbus card dimensions
  • Rulbus 50 pin header definition
    Pin Function Pin Function
    1 Ground ( 0V ) 2 Ground ( 0V )
    3 D0  (Data LSB) 4 Ground ( 0V )
    5 D1 6 Ground ( 0V )
    7 D2 8 Ground ( 0V )
    9 D3 10 Ground ( 0V )
    11 D4 12 Ground ( 0V )
    13 D5 14 Ground ( 0V )
    15 D6 16 Ground ( 0V )
    17 D7  (Data MSB) 18 Ground ( 0V )
    19 A0  (Address LSB) 20 Ground ( 0V )
    21 A1 22 Ground ( 0V )
    23 A2 24 Ground ( 0V )
    25 A3 26 Ground ( 0V )
    27 A4 28 Ground ( 0V )
    29 A5 30 Ground ( 0V )
    31 A6 32 Ground ( 0V )
    33 A7  (Address MSB) 34 Ground ( 0V )
    35 ENABLE 36 Ground ( 0V )
    37 R/Wn 38 Ground ( 0V )
    39 INTERRUPTn 40 Ground ( 0V )
    41 RESETn 42 Ground ( 0V )
    43 CLOCK 4 MHz (Note 1) 44 Ground ( 0V )
    45 +5V supply 46 +5V supply
    47 +5V supply 48 +5V supply
    49 +15V supply 50 -15V supply
    General design rules/notes
    1. The 4.000 MHz clock is a general purpose clock, intended for timers, counters etc..

    2. Accuracy: tunable to 4.00000 MHz. Stability: < 10 ppm per degree C.
    3. a line level-change (R/Wn, Data, Address) is only allowed when the Rulbus section is addressed. So all lines must remain stable when there is no activity on the bus (except ENABLE and the 4 MHz general purpose clock).
    4. the Address- and Data-lines must be kept at hexadecimal FF when the Rulbus section is not addressed. So, FF on the address lines means that the Rulbus is not accessed by the processor and in this way it is part of the addressing mechanism. However, FF on the Data-lines is used to protect CMOS-type buffers whenever these are put in the 3-state mode. The High-levels on the bus are generated by pull-up resistors on the processor board, with a value of about: 3k3 (Address-lines), 3k3 (Data-lines), 10k (Interrupt-line).
    5. all cards, processor as well as I/O, must have buffers on all the buslines. Due to their specific purpose, the INTERRUPTn and RESETn may be connected in a WIRED-OR configuration. Driving capability must be enough for a buslength of at least three (3) meter.
    6. the +5V power-supply line must have an LC- or CLC-filter on the inputline. This setup is also advised for the +15V and -15V lines.
    Rulbus timing


    ____________                _________________________________________
                \              /                                         \
                 \_____||_____/                                           \_____________
                |              |                                         |
                |<---- t1 ---->|<----------------- t2 ------------------>|
                |              |                                         |
    Address and R/Wn
    _____  __  __  __  ________________________________________________________  __  ___
         \/  \/  \/  \/                                                        \/  \/
                      |        |                                         |     |  |
                      |<- t3 ->|<----------------- t2 ------------------>|<t4R>|  |
                      |        |                                         |        |
                      |        |                                         |<-t4W ->|
    Data Read cycle
    _____  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  ________________  __  ___
         \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/                \/  \/
                                                              |          |     |
                                                              |<-- t5 -->|< t6>|
    Data Write cycle
    _____  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  __  ______________________________  __  __
         \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/  \/                              \/  \/
                                                  |                      |       |
                                                  |<-------- t7 -------->|<- t8->|
    Rulbus nominal timing, version 1.4 (see above)
    t1 = Enable low                              : 450 ns <= t1 <= 10 µs
    t2 = Enable high (E)                         : 450 ns <= t2 <= 10 µs
         complete cycle (t1+t2)                  : <=  10 µs
    t3 = Address & R/Wn stable before Enable     : >= 200 ns
    t4R= Address & R/Wn hold after Enable (read) : >=  10 ns
    t4W= Address & R/Wn hold after Enable (write): >=  75 ns
    t5 = Data Read setup                         : >=  80 ns
    t6 = Data hold after Enable (read)           : >=  10 ns
    t7 = Data Write setup                        : >= 300 ns
    t8 = Data hold after Enable (write)          : >=  75 ns

    Rulbus card dimensions
     *           100 x 160 mm            * 

                    Top of card in rack --> 

          50-pin flatcable connector 
      ( 3M series 3433 or equivalent ) 

                                         Pin 1 
    <>20.5mm                           v 
       [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 
     * [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

    * = 3mm mounting hole on standard Eurocard locations (4x)

    Martin J. Moene   (e-mail)  /  Revised: Oct 13, 1997 .