trreport(1) trreport(1) NAME trreport - Korn-shell script to create quarterly time report. SYNOPSIS trreport "naam=A. Name" afdeling=department vakgroep=group quarter [year] DESCRIPTION trreport is a Korn-shell script to create a time report for a quarter of a year. trreport is normally called from a batch program that contains the user specific informa- tion like name, department and group. When the year is not specified on the commandline, the current year is assumed. The report is written to the file yyyy-d.rep, where yyyy is the year and d is the number of the quarter. ENVIRONMENT HOME homedirectory for current user, used to determine datadirectory. The datadirectory is home\-tr, LOGNAME name for current user, used to determine datadirectory when HOME is not specified. The datadirectory is c:\-tr\logname, USER name for current user, used to determine datadirectory when LOGNAME is not speci- fied. The datadirectory is c:\-tr\user. FILES bin\trweek.exe program used by trreport.ksh to determine the weeknumber from a date, bin\trreport.awk awk script used by trreport.ksh to create the report from the intermediate datafile trreport.tmp, and temporary file trre- port.tim, trreport.tim temporary file with date in the form `14 Mar 1995', used for heading of report by trreport.awk, trreport.tmp intermediate file with time information collected from relevant datafiles, 14 Mar 1995Elektronische Afdeling, Huygens Laboratorium 1 trreport(1) trreport(1) yyyy-d.rep this file contains the actual report. DIAGNOSTICS trreport does not return a useful exit value. SEE ALSO myreport(1). EXAMPLE c:\mks\bin\sh c:/bin/trreport.ksh "naam=M.J. Moene" afdeling=EA vakgroep=Biofysica 1 AUTHOR M.J. Moene 14 Mar 1995Elektronische Afdeling, Huygens Laboratorium 2