grptime(1) grptime(1) NAME grptime - print number of days worked for specified group. SYNOPSIS grptime [ group [ [1234]+ [year] | filelist ] ] DESCRIPTION grptime is a simple batch program to obtain the number of days worked for a group. The specification of the group is case-sensitive. To limit the calculation to certain quarters, specify one or more of 1, 2, 3, and 4, optionally followed by a four- digit year. If no year is specified, the current year is assumed. It is also possible to limit the calculation to a specific set of dates by specifying a file with the names of the tr datafiles to include. This file can be created as fol- lows. List all datafiles in a file, e.g.: C:>c:\mks\bin\ls > filelist. Then edit this file so that it only contains the names of the datafiles desired. FILES datadir\yyyymmdd.dat datafiles SEE ALSO cattime(1), prjtime(1) and sumtime(1). EXAMPLE grptime EA 34 AUTHOR M.J. Moene 1 Sep 1997 Elektronische Afdeling, Huygens Laboratorium 1