Class RB8904

Header file


   Header file for RB8904 driver.
   (Dual Stepping Motor Controller)

   Copyright (C), 1992 by Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.

   Version: 0.04
   Date   : 2 Mar 1992
   Disk   : ruldev\inc\ruldev
   Author : M.J. Moene

   Compiler	   : Borland C++ 2.0
   Operating system: MS-DOS 3.21
   Hardware system : PC XT, AT

#ifndef __D_RB8904_HPP			// already included?
#define __D_RB8904_HPP

#ifndef __D_RULBUS_HPP			// already included?
#include <ruldev\d_rulbus.hpp>

#define DEF_NAME	"RB8904"	// default device name
#define DEF_MOTR	    1		// default motor number
#define DEF_ADDR	 0xB4		// default device address

class RB8904 : public Rulbus		// derived from Rulbus
  ~RB8904();                                    // destructor
   RB8904( const  char *name = DEF_NAME,        // constructor
		  int   motr = DEF_MOTR,
		  int   addr = DEF_ADDR,
		  int   rack = DEF_RACK,
		  int   base = DEF_BASE );

   Boolean	  busy              (Status& status = Ok);
   Status	  wait              ();

   Status	  calibrate	    (Boolean and_wait = false);

   unsigned long  getPosition 	    (Status& status = Ok);
   Status         putPosition       (unsigned long position, 
				       Boolean and_wait = false);

   int            getTimePerStep    (Status& status = Ok);
   Status         putTimePerStep    (int time           );

   unsigned long  getStepPerTrigger (Status& status = Ok);
   Status         putStepPerTrigger (unsigned long trigger);

   Boolean 	  interruptPending  (Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  getInterruptState (Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  putInterruptState (Boolean enable, 
				     Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  enableInterrupt   (Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  disableInterrupt  (Status& status = Ok);

   void           dialog () ;           // virtual dialog

   classType      isA    () const;      // type info
   char          *nameOf () const;      // type info

   int           getMotor          ();
   Status        putMotor          (int mtr);

   Boolean       isInvalidMTR      (int           mtr);
   Boolean       isInvalidPOS      (unsigned long pos);
   Boolean       isInvalidTPS      (int           tps);
   Boolean       isInvalidSPT      (unsigned long spt);

   unsigned long read  (const char *fn, int cmd, unsigned long def, Status& status);
   Status        write (const char *fn, int cmd, signed   long val = -1           );

   Status        _scan  (istream &is = cin );   // scan object
   Status        _print (ostream &os = cout);   // print object
   int           motor;			// motor number for this instance
   Boolean       intState;		// interrupt enable state
   unsigned long savedPos;		// saved destination position

   enum 				// communication codes 
      COM_RDY = 0,			// ready code
      COM_GET = 1, 			// get character code
      COM_EOT = 2,                      // end-of-transmission code
      COM_LEN = 15,			// maximum string length
      COM_TIM = 5000, 			// # retries for communication

   const char   *cmdString    (int cmd);

   int           getCharacter ();
   int           putCharacter (char ch);

   const char   *getString    (char *string, int maxlen = COM_LEN);
   int           putString    (const char *string                );

class RB8904A : public RB8904		// derived from standard RB8904
  ~RB8904A();                                   // destructor
   RB8904A(const  char *name = DEF_NAME,        // constructor
		  int   motr = DEF_MOTR,
		  int   addr = DEF_ADDR,
		  int   rack = DEF_RACK,
		  int   base = DEF_BASE );

   unsigned long  getStepPerSweep   (Status& status = Ok);
   Status         putStepPerSweep   (unsigned long steps);

   Boolean 	  getSweepState     (Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  putSweepState     (Boolean enable,
				     Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean 	  enableSweep       (Status& status = Ok);
   Boolean	  disableSweep      (Status& status = Ok);

   void           dialog () ;           // dialog

   classType      isA    () const;      // type info
   char          *nameOf () const;      // type info

   Status  checkMotor2   (const char   *fn );	// check with error trap
   Boolean isInvalidSPS  (unsigned long	sps);	// check step per sweep

   Status  _scan  (istream &is = cin );         // scan object
   Status  _print (ostream &os = cout);         // print object

#undef  DEF_NAME			// undefine device
#undef  DEF_MOTR			// undefine motor
#undef  DEF_ADDR			// undefine rulbus address

#endif					// ifndef __D_RB8904_HPP

/*** End of file ***/

Programmer's reference

RB8904 - Dual Stepping Motor Controller

Class		RB8904

Derived from	Rulbus	(ruldev library)

Remarks		Module RB8904 is a dual stepping motor controller.

		The controller has two stepping motor outputs that provide
		the following signals:
		- stepping motor signals,
		- trigger output,
		- begin stop input,
		- end stop input.

		Via the Rulbus the following can be programmed and read back:
		- motor position,
		- number of ms per step,
		- number of steps per trigger,
		- Rulbus trigger interrupt enable state,
		- the Rulbus interrupt state can be read.

		For each motor, you should define a separate instance e.g.:
		RB8904 motor1("motor1", 1);
		RB8904 motor2("motor2", 2);

		Class RB8904 provides functions to:
		- check if the motor is at it's destination position,
		- wait for the motor to reach it's destination position,
		- start a calibration,
		- get and set the destination position,
		- get and set the time per step value,
		- get and set the number of steps per trigger value,
		- check if an trigger interrupt is pending,
		- enable or disable the trigger interrupt.

constructor							       RB8904

Function	construct an instance of class RB8904

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		RB8904::RB8904(const char *name, int motr, int addr, int rack, int base);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		this is the constructor for class RB8904.
		When an invalid motor number is specified for mtr, the
		constructor executes the fatal error trap routine with
		error code BadValue and message `constructor'.
		The default state for this device is:
		- motor number is 1,
		- position is 0,
		- time per step is at minimum 
		  (this depends on the controller software version/motor used),
		- steps per trigger is 1,
		- interrupt is disabled,

Arguments	name: name of instance		 (default: "RB8904")
		motr: motor number (1 or 2)	 (default: 1)
		addr: rulbus address of instance (default: 0xB4)
		rack: rulbus rack number	 (default: 0)
		base: rulbus converter address	 (default: 0x200)

Return Value	none.

destructor							       RB8904

Function	destruct an instance of class RB8904

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		this is the destructor for class RB8904

Arguments none	none

Return value	none.

isA									RB8904

Function	return type information.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		virtual classType RB8904::isA() const;

Prototype in	d_rulbus.hpp

Remarks		isA returns CLS_RB8904 to uniquely identify this class.

Arguments	none

Return value	CLS_RB8904

nameOf								RB8904

Function	return the type name of this device instance.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		virtual char *RB8904::nameOf() const;

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		nameOf returns a string representation of the name
		of this type.

Arguments	none

Return value	"RB8904".

busy									RB8904

Function	check if motor is running.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::busy(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		busy checks if the motor is running. 

		It returns true if the motor is running, false if the motor 
		is at the destination position. 

		busy passes back Timeout to status if the communication
		with the controller failed and returns false, otherwise it 
		passes back Ok to status.

Arguments	status: Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	true, false (motor running, motor at destination or error).

wait									RB8904	

Function	wait until motor is at destination position.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::wait();

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		wait waits until the motor is at the destination position.

		It returns Timeout if communication with the controller
		failed, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	none

Return value	Ok, Timeout.

calibrate								RB8904	

Function	define the motor start-position.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::calibrate(Boolean and_wait = false);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		calibrate (re)defines the motor start-position (0).

		The motor is running reverse until the begin-stop is
		reached and the motor position is reset to 0.

		When and_wait is true, calibrate waits until the motor
		calibration is completed, otherwise it returns immediately
		after the calibrate command is sent to the controller.

		calibrate returns Timeout when communication with the
		controller failed, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	and_wait: true, false			(default: false).

Return value	Ok, Timeout.

getPosition							       RB8904

Function	get the current motor position 

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		unsigned long RB8904::getPosition(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		getPosition returns the current motor position. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed and returns 0, otherwise it passes back Ok 
		to status and returns the current motor position.

Arguments	status: Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	motor position (0..16777215), or 0 on error.

putPosition							       RB8904

Function	define a new destination position.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::putPosition(unsigned long position, Boolean and_wait = false);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		putPosition writes the specified position to the stepping 
		motor controller. If and_wait is true putPosition waits 
		for the motor to reach its destination position, if it's 
		false putPosition returns immediately.	

		If the specified position is invalid, putPosition returns 
		BadValue, else if communication with the controller failed, 
		it returns Timeout, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	position: 0..16777215,
		and_wait: true, false (wait, no wait)	(default: false).

Return value	Ok, BadValue, Timeout.

getTimePerStep							       RB8904

Function	get the current time per step in ms.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		int RB8904::getTimePerStep(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		getTimePerStep returns the current time per step value in ms.

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the
		controller failed and returns 0, otherwise it passes back Ok 
		to status and returns the current time per step value.

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	time per step (1..255), or 0 on error.

putTimePerStep							       RB8904

Function	define the time per step setting in ms.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::putTimePerStep(int time);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		putTimePerStep writes the specified time per step value
		to the stepping motor controller. 

		When 0 is specified for time, the time per step value is
		set to the minimum value possible. This value is determined
		by the controller software version.

		If the specified time is invalid, putTimePerStep returns
		BadValue, else if communication with the controller failed, 
		it returns Timeout, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	time: 0..255.

Return value	Ok, BadValue, Timeout.

getStepPerTrigger						       RB8904

Function	get the current number of steps per trigger pulse.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		unsigned long RB8904::getStepPerTrigger(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		getStepPerTrigger returns the current step per trigger value.

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the
		controller failed and returns 0, otherwise it passes back Ok 
		to status and returns the current time per step value.

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	steps per trigger (1..16777215), or 0 on error.

putStepPerTrigger						       RB8904

Function	define the number of steps per trigger setting.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::putStepPerTrigger(unsigned long steps);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		putStepPerTrigger writes the specified step per trigger value
		to the stepping motor controller. 

		If the specified step value is invalid, putStepPerTrigger 
		returns BadValue, else if communication with the controller 
		failed, it returns Timeout, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	steps: 1..16777215.

Return value	Ok, BadValue, Timeout.

interruptPending						       RB8904

Function	check if a Rulbus trigger interrupt is pending.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::interruptPending(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		interruptPending returns true if a trigger interrupt is 
		pending, false otherwise. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed, otherwise it passes back Ok to status. 

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	true, false (interrupt pending, not pending).

getInterruptState						       RB8904

Function	get the current Rulbus trigger interrupt enable state.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::getInterruptState(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		getInterruptState returns the current trigger interrupt 
		enable state. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed, otherwise it passes back Ok. 

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	true, false (enabled, disabled or error).

putInterruptState							RB8904	

Function	define the Rulbus trigger interrupt enable state.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::putInterruptState(Boolean enable, Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		putInterruptState enables the trigger interrupt if enable
		is true, or disables it when enable is false. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed, otherwise it passes back Ok. 

		putInterruptState returns the previous trigger interrupt 
		enable state.

Arguments	enable: true, false		 (enable, disable),
		status: Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	previous trigger interrupt enable state.

enableInterrupt							       RB8904

Function	enable the Rulbus trigger interrupt.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::enableInterrupt(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		enableInterrupt enables the trigger interrupt. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed, otherwise it passes back Ok. 

		enableInterrupt returns the previous trigger interrupt 
		enable state.

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	previous trigger interrupt enable state.

disableInterrupt						       RB8904

Function	disable the Rulbus trigger interrupt.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::disableInterrupt(Status& status = Ok);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp 

Remarks		disableInterrupt disables the trigger interrupt. 

		It passes back Timeout to status if communication with the 
		controller failed, otherwise it passes back Ok.

		disableInterrupt returns the previous trigger interrupt 
		enable state.

Arguments	status : Ok, Timeout			(optional).

Return value	previous trigger interrupt enable state.

(getMotor)								RB8904	

Function	return the motor numer.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		int RB8904::getMotor();

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		getMotor returns the motor number of this instance.

Arguments	none

Return value	1, 2.

(putMotor)								RB8904	

Function	select the motor number.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::putMotor(int motor);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		putMotor sets the active motor for this instance to mtr if
		it is valid. If the specified motor number is invalid, putMotor
		returns BadValue, otherwise it returns Ok.

Arguments	motor: 1, 2.

Return value	Ok, BadValue.

(isInvalidMTR)								RB8904	

Function	check if specified motor number is valid.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::isInvalidMTR(int motor);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		isInvalidMTR returns true if the motor number specified
		is invalid, otherwise it returns false.

Arguments	motor: 1, 2.

Return value	true, false (not valid, valid).

(isInvalidPOS)								RB8904	

Function	check if specified position is valid.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::isInvalidPOS(unsigned long position);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		isInvalidPOS returns true if the position specified
		is invalid, otherwise it returns false.

Arguments	position: 0..16777215.

Return value	true, false (not valid, valid).

(isInvalidTPS)								RB8904	

Function	check if specified number of time per step is valid.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::isInvalidTPS(int time);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		isInvalidTPS returns true if the time per step specified
		is invalid, otherwise it returns false.

Arguments	time: 0..16777215.

Return value	true, false (not valid, valid).

(isInvalidSPT)								RB8904	

Function	check if specified number of steps per trigger is valid.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Boolean RB8904::isInvalidSPT(unsigned long steps);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		isInvalidSPT returns true if the steps per trigger specified
		is invalid, otherwise it returns false.

Arguments	steps: 1..16777215.

Return value	true, false (not valid, valid).

(read)									RB8904	

Function	read a value from the controller.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		unsigned long RB8904::read(const char* fn, int cmd, unsigned long def, Status& status);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		read writes the command string corresponding to code `cmd'
		to the controller, obtains the response and returns it.
		read passes back Timeout to status if communication with
		the controller failed and returns the value of `def',
		otherwise it passes back Ok to status and returns the 
		response to the command issued.

Arguments	fn    : name of calling function,
		cmd   : command code,
		def   : default return value on error,
		status: status passed back (Ok, Timeout).

Return value	value read, or value of `def' on error.

(write)									RB8904	

Function	write a command and optional value to the controller.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		Status RB8904::write(const char *fn, int cmd, signed long val = -1);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		write writes the command string corresponding to code `cmd'
		and a optional value to the controller. write returns Timeout 
		if communication with the controller failed, otherwise it 
		returns Ok.

Arguments	fn : name of calling function,
		cmd: command code,
		val: value to write	(optional: -1, meaning no value).

Return value	Ok, Timeout.

(_scan)									 RB8904

Function	initialize the device from a stream.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		virtual Status RB8904::_scan(istream &is = cin);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		_scan reads the device representation as created by _print
		and initializes the device with these settings. _scan returns
		Ok when it properly read the object, otherwise it returns
		BadRecord if the record read was not for this device, or
		BadInput if a stream input error occurred.
		See also Device::print.

Arguments	is: reference to the input stream	(default: cin)

Return value	Ok, BadRecord, BadInput.

(_print)								 RB8904

Function	write an initialization record for this object to a stream.

Syntax		#include <ruldev\d_rb8904.hpp>
		virtual Status RB8904::_print(ostream &os = cout);

Prototype in	d_rb8904.hpp

Remarks		_print writes a device represention to a stream from which
		_scan can initialize the device. _print returns Ok when it
		properly wrote the object, otherwise it returns BadOutput
		if a stream write error occurred. See also Device::print.

Arguments	os: reference to the output stream	(default: cout)

Return value	Ok, BadOutput.

Martin J. Moene   (e-mail)  /  Revised: .