spcroydg(1) spcroydg(1) NAME spcroydg - Serial Port LeCroy 9300/9310/9410 Data Get pro- gram. VERSION 1.8 beta as of 25 October 1993 by M.J. Moene. SYNOPSIS spcroydg [-hdvV] [-C port] [-R baudrate] [-P parity] [-W wordlength] [-S stopbits] [-F flow] [-n points] [-f first- point] [-s sparsing] [-p points] [-g segment] [trace [outfile]] DESCRIPTION spcroydg is a PC-program to read a trace from the LeCroy 9300/9310/9410 series oscilloscopes via the serial port (RS232C-port) into the PC. This program is part of a family of programs to read LeCroy and Hewlett-Packard scopes and other devices using the GPIB. These programs all create an output datastruc- ture that is closely related to the internal data repre- sentation of the devices. Another program, e.g. croy2ic.exe, is used to convert the device dependend resp- resentation into a common representation called the index coded representation. The index coded files can be con- verted to yet other representations more suited to your needs by the program icconv.exe. See the example below. To spcroydg you can specify the trace you want to read and optionally a filename to which the data must be written. If no filename is given, the output is written to the standard output stream. Valid traces to specify are: C[1..4], M[1..4], T[ABCD], E[AB], M[CD] and F[EF]. Furthermore you can either specify the number of points you want to read with option -n, letting the program decide what sparsing to use, or you can specify the spars- ing, number of points, firstpoint and segment yourself, using options -s, -p, -f and -g. The characteristics of the serial port, like portnumber, baudrate, wordlength, number of stopbits, parity and flow control, can be specified using options -C, -R, -W, -S, -P and -F. If you want to trace the execution of the spcroydg pro- gram, you can use the -d (debug) or -v (verbose) option to enable the display of messages that show the progress of program execution. Thus spcroydg can be executed with the following options: -h short help line, -d debug, same as -v -v be verbose -V print version number of program, -C port serial port number [1..2], default 1, -R baudrate serial port baudrate [300..19200], default 19200, -P parity serial port parity [n,e,o] for no, even, odd, default no, -W wordlength serial port wordlength [7..8], default 7 bits, -S stopbits serial port stopbits [1..2], default 1 bit, -F flow serial port flow control [n,r,x] for no, RTS/CTS, Xon/Xoff, default Xon/Xoff, -n points number of points, sparsed if necessary, default all, -f firstpoint first point, default 0, -p points number of points, sparsing as specified by option -s, default all, -s sparsing sparsing, default off, -g segment number of segment, default all, DIAGNOSTICS spcroydg complains when invalid information is specified on the commandline, or when a fault condition arises dur- ing execution. spcroydg can return the following exit codes: 0 success: program execution has been successfully com- pleted, 1 commandline error: an invalid option, option value or trace has been specified. 2 processing error: a file could not be opened, communication with the LeCroy failed or a memory allo- cation error occurred. 3 interruption: spcroydg has been interrupted by the user. BUGS Sometimes communication towards the LeCroy 9310 oscillo- scope fails. This is verymuch depending on the processing load of the scope. If this happens, set the trigger mode to STOP manually before you read a trace with this pro- gram. SEE ALSO croy2ic(1), icconv(1). EXAMPLE spcroydg -vC2 c1 | croy2ic | icconv -a >file.xy AUTHOR M.J. Moene 25 October 1993 Biofysica 3