SMCSH.HLP : Helpfile for SMCSH module
Version: 1.13
Date   : 21 Jun 1991

 Alias --  create an alias for each name.

 alias [-h] [name[=value] ...]

 alias             display all defined commands.
 alias -h          display the help message.
 alias name        display the definition of the specified alias.
 alias name=value  define a new alias.
 alias "name=value args ..."  define a new alias.

 Echo --  write arguments to standard output.

 echo [options] [argument ...]

 -n : don't end with newline

Special characters:
\a: alert (bell)
\b: backspace
\f: formfeed
\n: newline
\r: carriage return
\t: tabulator stop
\c: don't end with newline
\ooo: octal number

 Exit --  leave the RUL shell.

 exit [status]
 If status is specified this is the exit status or DOS errorlevel
 of the shell. If no status is given the exit status is zero.

 Help --  show available commands or help on specified command.

 help [item ...]

 Looks in the file specified by the environment variable '$RULSHL_HLP' if
 it is set, or if not set in file 'programPathName.hlp'. Further it looks
 for user defined help in the file specified by the environment variable
 '$RULSHL_USR' if it is set, or if not set in file 'programPathName.usr' .

 History --  display a number of previously entered commands.


 The commands displayed can be reentered with the !-command.

 Pause --  display message and wait for a keypress.

 pause [message ...]

 Prompt --  show current contents of prompt variable, or set prompt to
            specified text, interpreting special characters as shown below.

 prompt [text]

 $d: date
 $p: drive/directory
 $n: drive
 $t: time
 $v: DOS-version
 $g: >
 $l: <
 $b: |
 $q: =
 $e: Escape character
 $h: $
 $_: Start of newline

 Rack --  select RULBUS rack, or display currently selected rack.

 rack [racknum]
 racknum: 0..14

 rack           display currently selected rack
 rack racknum   select rack with specified number

 Repeat --  this command repeatedly executes the given command.
 'count' times or infinitly if no count is given.

 repeat [options] [count] command [arg ...]

 Internal commands can be interrupted with ^C.
 -d : display sequence number
 -st: sleep t seconds between execution of command

 Run --  run the script from the given rulshl scriptfile.

 run script ...

 Rulshl -- general purpose shell

   rulshl [-c command [arg ..]] [scriptfile [arg ...]]

   The shell can work in either interactive or script interpreting mode.
   In interactive mode, before executing any other commands, the shell
   interpretes the shell script specified by the environment variable
   '$RULSHL_PRO' if it is set, or if not set the file specified by

   -c command [arg ...]: execute specified command and exit

   command [options] [argument ...] [; command [opt ...] [arg ...] ...]

   programPathName.hlp - helpfile,
   programPathName.usr - user helpfile, - file with script to run at startup.

 Time --  display executiontime of specified command.

 time command [arg ...]

 Output is of the form: 12h 34m 45.67s

 Unalias --  remove the specified alias names.

 unalias [-h] name ...

 unalias -h    display the help message.
 unalias name  remove the specified alias names from the list.

 Version --  show version of the RULSHL program.


 ? --  show available commands or help on specified command.

 alias for help

 / --  display a number of previously entered commands.

 alias for history

 The commands displayed can be reentered with the !-command.

 ! --  issue command specified by number, supplement added.


 No information on specified command.

SMCSH.HLP : Helpfile for SMCSHELL.C Version: 1.10 Date : 24 Jun 1991 #cal Cal -- start calibration of specified motor. cal motor ... motor: 1..2 Absolute position is reset to zero and motor is moving reverse until begin-stop is reached. #dev Dev -- set or display Rulbus device number. dev [devnum] devnum: 0..255 #disswp Disswp -- disable sweep of specified motor. disswp motor ... motor: 1..2 #enaswp Enaswp -- enable sweep of specified motor. enaswp motor ... motor: 1..2 #getswp Getswp -- get sweep enable status of specified motor. getswp motor ... motor: 1..2 #rdy Rdy -- show if specified motor has finished moving. rdy motor ... motor: 1..2 #showdev Showdev -- show rulbus devices as listed in rulbus.sys file. showdev #showmtr Show -- show information on [specified] motor(s). showmtr [motor ...] motor: 1..2 #spt Spt -- show or set number of steps per trigger for specified motor. spt motor [steps] motor: 1..2 steps: 0..2^24 -1 #sps Sps -- show or set number of steps per sweep for specified motor. sps motor [steps] motor: 1..2 steps: 0..2^23 -1 #stop Stop -- stop movement of specified motor(s). stop motor ... motor: 1..2 #tps Tps -- show or set time per step [ms] for specified motor. tps motor [time] motor: 1..2 time : 0..255 #gi Gi -- show Rulbus interrupt status for specified motor. gi motor ... motor: 1..2 #ei Ei -- enable Rulbus interrupt for specified motor. ei motor [motor ...] motor: 1..2 Interrupt only effective if jumper (Jx) is installed on SMC-card (RB 8904). #di Di -- disable Rulbus interrupt for specified motor. di motor ... motor: 1..2 Interrupt only effective if jumper (Jx) is installed on SMC-card (RB 8904). #pos Pos -- show or set position of specified motor. pos motor [[+-]position] motor : 1..2 position: 0..2^24 -1 Display current absolute position, or set specified motor to specified absolute or relative (+,-) position. #? Help -- alias for help #/ History -- alias for history # No information on specified command.