Martin J. Moene's lifestream (a view).

1982: started career at RUL in January 1982.
 1985: bought my first computer: a Bondwell 12 with CP/M 2.2 at f4000.
  1987: Xref, word concordance (linenumbers).
   1987: bought my last PC.
    1988: course: Pascal voor elektronici, basis- en vervolgcursus, Compu'Train, april 1988.
     1989: development of Rulbus device driver library (C-language).
      1989: embedded software for temperature regulator (6805).
       1989: embedded software for Dual Stepping Motor Controller (6805).
        1990: development of P-CAD environment for Printed Circuit Board design (with L.J.Prevo).
         1990: course: Digitale signaalbewerking, PBNA, juni 1990.
          1990: embedded software for helium pollution meter (6805, with Boer).
           1991: multi-tasking control program for helium pollution meter (Xinu).
            1991: course: Sensoren voor het elektrisch meten van niet-elektrische grootheden, PATO, februari-maart 1991.
             1991: command shell to control the Dual Stepping Motor Controller (1989).
              1991: command shell to control a rack with Rulbus timer modules (with P.C.Jonkers).
               1991: course: Analoge ontwikkeltechnieken: guarding & shielding en ruis, Anmar Ingenieursbureau, oktober 1991.
                1991: development of Ezview Graphic User Interface library (C++, with R.Centeno).
                 1991: development of object-oriented Rulbus device driver library (C++).
                  1992: PALASM to Abel translator (AWK).
                   1992: course: Wiskunde, RUL, oktober 1992; cursus ter voorbereiding op de cursus 'Hoogfrequent-techniek'.
                    1992: presented course C and C++.
                     1992: course: Hoogfrequent-techniek, TH-Rijswijk, december 1992.
                      1993: started management of Unix systems (SGI iris, indy, Linux).
                       1993: started management of TCP/IP network (PC-NFS).
                        1993: Network User's Guide (original by R.M.van Leeuwen).
                         1993: LeCroy oscilloscope readout program (RS232-C).
                          1993: Ezview Graphic User Interface User's Guide.
                           1994: course: Computernetwerken, PHTO-"A", januari 1994.
                            1994: measurement program for Electro Spin Echo experiment (GUI, C++).
                             1995: started work on helium production registration/control system for Cryogenic department.
                              1995: created tools for timeregistration (MS-DOS, C++).
                               1995: RUL P-CAD symbol and part bibliotheken (met L.J.Prevo).
                                1995: measurement program for experiment with Optical Multi-channel Analyzer (GUI, C++).
                                 1995: course: Systeemprogrammeren in de Unix omgeving, TH-Rijskwijk, november 1995
                                  1996: WinSPIRS export to Dbase import database conversion program (C++).
                                   1997: started work on Web pages.
                                    1997: embedded software for monochromator controller (6805), see 2001.
                                     1998: course: Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                                      1998: course: Supporting Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Core Technologies
                                       1998: 'foto' van de Elektronische Afdeling van het Huygens Laboratorium (i.v.m. oprichting van FSC)
                                        1999: introducing Windows NT 4.0 at Biophysics
                                         1999: jaar 2000 PC uitvoeringsplan voor Biofysica en Moleculaire Natuurkunde
                                          2000: installing Windows NT 4.0 at Home
                                           2000: bestelformulieren LION
                                            2000: bestelformulieren FSC
                                             2000: course: LabVIEW Basisc I en II
                                              2001: tools for xy-files
                                               2001: compiler/virtual machine for C-like expressions and flow control to embed in application.
                                                2001: ELD LabVIEW site
                                                 2001: monochromator controller RB9603.
                                                  2002: Web-application to register leave
                                                   2003: C++ commandline program and KormShell templates
                                                    2003: editenv - commandline tool to edit environment variables on Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/me
                                                     2003: mngdriver - commandline tool to install, remove, start, stop Windows Device Driver and change its startup mode
                                                      2003: winutils - collection of Windows-related utility funcions and classes.
                                                       2004: Rulbus Device Class Library
                                                        2004: Rulbus Device Library
                                                         2004: Rulbus LabVIEW Library
                                                          2004: ELD Home page
                                                           2004: ELD Subversion Home page